Advanced System Configuration
The Advanced System Configuration window helps you to configure secondary settings.
The Advanced System Configuration window is composed of five different tabs.
Global tab
This tab allows you to configure Accel VR global settings:
Setting | Default Value | Definition |
Hardware anti-aliasing | 4 | Allows you to smooth the rendering. Max value can be 8. |
Language | en | Allows you to change the language to another one. |
Distance units | Meter | Allows you to change the distance units to centimeter or millimeter. |
Angle units | Degrees | Allows you to change the angle units to radians. |
Scaling units | Percent | Allows you to change the scaling unit to a factor. |
The Hardware anti-aliasing parameter is particularly effective in the case of sharp borders and strong contrast between the start and end colors of gradients. The more the default value is high, the longer the rendering will be.
Pilot configuration tab
Depending on your requirements you can select or unselect features below to improve rendering performance in the View of Accel VR Pilot 2019.2:
- Grid
- Referential
- Mirrors
Displays the reflections of other geometries in the scene in planar mirrors. As this option can greatly increase the number of elements to be rendered in a scene, you can disable it in order to increase rendering fluidity. - Post-processes
- Background
- OverlayAn overlay is a 2D image (often a logo) that is displayed in front of the objects in the 3D world. It does not move when you navigate in the 3D world, but remains stationary with regard to the screen.
- Modify the representation of the model to be displayed in the View (Material, Color, LightMaps, Wireframe).
As needed you can also choose to overwrite your background by a one color background or by a gradient background. Just click on Overwrite background checkbox to make your choice.
Avatar tab
Thanks to the Avatar plugin you can visualize your interaction devices as well as those of your coworkers. See details in the paragraph named Peers
Simply choose in the list below the device you'll use for the immersion.
Figure 24 : Select your device
Mouse manipulation tab
Figure 25 : Mouse manipulation tab
You can apply the keyboard shortcuts of your favorite CAD software in Accel VR.
To do that, just select in the Preset drop-down menu, the shortcut presets of the software you want to use in Accel VR.
Preset drop-down menu lists the keyboard shortcuts of the following software:
- 3ds Max
- Alias
- Maya
- P3D (Patchwork 3D)
- SolidWorks
- Custom
If you change the selected keyboard shortcuts preset by modifying one or more shortcuts, it will automatically switch in Custom.
Manipulators tab
At the first installation of Accel VR the following drop-down menus Head, Shuttle, Interaction and Device are automatically filled out with the detection of your device.
You can also change the manipulator of your device to another one after the first installation of Accel VR .
Figure 26 : Example with Accel VR configured with an htc VIVE.
Find below the list of available manipulators imaginable.
Head manipulator
The Head drop-down menu allows you to choose the manipulator to control the head.
The head can be controlled by the following devices:
- a zSpace > ZSpace head manipulator (Nothing to configure here).
- a VR headset > HMD head manipulator (Nothing to configure here).
- a DTrack device > DTrack head manipulator
Select here the DTrack body name that controls the head. Please see the operation of the DTrack devices manager, for more information. - a VRPN device > VRPN head manipulator
Set the tracker's name and its orientation.
Select the configuration of the device that had already done in the VRPN devices management from the Settings tab of the Configuration browser.
Device manipulator
From the Settings tab of the Configuration Browser you can configure the following devices :
- a VR headset > HMD interactions
This parameter has in common the parameter with the following section: The shuttle is controlled by a VR headset. - a gamepad > Gamepad interactions
If you have selected a gamepad as a manipulator, it will be necessary to choose on which side the interactive menu will appear.
Cf. Left / right device side.
Head to pad distance sets the position of the interactive menu (the pad). - a DTrack device > DTrack interactions
Choose the DTrack left and right instance names (in a case that you have two VR contollers) that pilot your peripherals. They can only have the Flystick attribute.
Choose one or more trackers that have already been set up from DTrack devices manager. - a VRPN device > VRPN intercations
Select the configuration of the device that had already done in the VRPN devices management in addition to the names of the VRPN left and right instance.
Interaction manipulator
Interactions can be used through a VR device using one of the following interactive menu called "systems":
- the PieMenu
- the MoveNAct
From the Settings tab of the Configuration browser you will see the accordion menu below.
You can change the settings of the PieMenu by clicking on accordion menu or by cliking ont this icon .
The PieMenu system use the followings tree tabs to be configured:
- PieMenu orders tab lists available interactions on the left and displays interactions you want to use on the right. To add an available action in the Actions in use box, click the arrow [>] or [>>] to add them all. In order to remove a used action , click the arrow [<] or [<<] to remove all of them.Be sure you have at least one action in Available actions box to interact with your 3D model.
Depending on the selected interaction, the color of the laser pointer may change to inform the operator that an action is available. - PieMenu bindings tab allows you to set an action to each button of the interaction device (gamepad, HMD controllers, zSpace stylus, etc...)
To map an action to a button of the interaction device, just click on Set button and then push on interaction device button. Accel VR Pilot 2019.2 record it automatically.
If you make a mistake to record an action just click on Unbind button to delete the configuration. Click again on Set button to restart the record. - PieMenu configuration tab allows you to configure the aspect of the interactive menu.
With the Interaction side drop-down menu, you can assign the interaction to the right or the left side of your VR gamepad. Screen position allows you to set the interactive menu to the VR controller you want (right or left).
Depending your choice you can assign interactions and the interactive menu to the same VR controller by selecting Right and Right in the corresponding drop-down menu. You can also differentiate interactions to the interactive menu by selecting Right and Left. With this configuration the operator uses the right hand to target an object to interact with it, the left hand is used to display the interactive menu. You can also do the opposite configuration by assigning interactions to the left hand and the interactive menu to the right hand.
If the PieMenu is to close to the operator's hand you can move it in any direction you want with parameters: depth, height, and lateral move.
You can also change the color of the PieMenu with the following parameters: back color, text color, and icon color.
From the Settings tab of the Configuration browser you will see the accordion menu below.
You can change the settings of the PieMenu by clicking on this icon .
The MoveNAct system use the followings tree tabs to be configured:
- Move and Act Orders tab lists available interactions on one side and displays the interactions you want to use on the other. To add an available action in the Actions in use box, click the arrow [>] or [>>] to add them all. In order to remove a used actions , click the arrow [<] or [<<] to remove all of them.
Be sure you have at least one action in Available actions box to interact with your 3D model. Depending on the selected interaction, the color of the laser pointer may change to specify to the operator that an action is available.
- The Move and Act bindings tab allows you to set a move to each button of the selected device.
To assign a move to a button, just click on Set and then push on the controller button. Accel VR record it automatically.
If you make a mistake during assignment, just click on Unbind button to delete the configuration. Click again on Set button to restart the assignment.
This iconenables or disables the immediate assignment of a one-touch interaction. It is a sort of shortcut. Once activated, the immediate assignment executes the interaction directly when the button is pressed. You do not need to use the other device to perform the interaction. This frees the other device and allows you to combine another interaction.
- Move and Act display configuration tab modifies the look of the interactive menu by selecting the color of each element (text, icons).
Attached side allows you to select in which hand (right or left controller) you want to display the interactive menu.
By default Display mode is set to World mode which is suitable for the MoveNAct use with a full-range immersion device such as an HTC VIVE® or Oculus Rift® headset. We recommend the Screen mode if you combine the use of the Move and Act in a CAVE or a Powerwall. This makes it easy to use the menu by displaying it in 2D on a remote screen.
Scale factor, Menu orientation and Menu translation are the parameters for changing the size and position of the interactive menu.
Shuttle manipulator
The Shuttle drop-down menu allows you to choose the manipulator to control the shuttle.
The shuttle can be controlled by the following systems:
- a VR headset > HMD shuttle manipulator
- a gamepad > Gamepad shuttle manipulator
- a VR mouse > SpaceMouse shuttle manipulator
- a VR device > Device Shuttle manipulator
The shuttle is controlled by a VR headset
From the Settings tab of the Configuration browser you will see the accordion menu below.
If the HMD default preset do not match your needs, you can change it by modifying the values for Planar Speed and Rotation Speed by clicking on this icon .
Touch zone must be down to interact (VIVE) is selected by default to avoid undesirable movements induced by controller touchpad. This feature is useful for a HTC VIVE controller that has a touchpad. On the other hand, uncheck this feature for an Oculus Rift controller.
The shuttle is controlled by a gamepad
From the Settings tab of the Configuration browser you will see the accordion menu below.
Devices with two navigation sticks, such as a gamepad, can be used to move the shuttle in the 3D world. One stick is used to drive movement on the horizontal plane. The other allows you to pivot and to move up or down, if the altitude is not locked.
Lock Altitude checkbox limits shuttle movements on the horizontal plane. When this checkbox is ticked, the shuttle's altitude remains stable, despite any modifications to the position of the product.
Follow look direction checkbox synchronizes head movements with the direction taken by the shuttle..
You can change the gamepad settings with this icon such as the Planar Speed, the Height Speed and the Rotation Speed.
The shuttle is controlled by a SpaceMouse
From the Settings tab of the Configuration browser you will see the accordion menu below.
You can change the SpaceMouse settings by clicking on this icon .
To manipulate the SpaceMouse, Accel VR uses two different modes:
- OriginFocus mode moves the shuttle around the center of the world.
Avoid crossing ground checkbox prevents the operator to move the shuttle under the ground. - Helicopter mode moves the shuttle as a flying helicopter. The displacement follow moves applied to the SpaceMouse axis.
Lock horizon checkbox stabilizes the movement of the shuttle by locking the horizon.
In both modes you can fine-tune the moving controls of the SpaceMouse by changing moves factors with: Movement Speed, Rotation speed and Dead Zone sliders.
If your settings aren't usable, you can reset them by clicking on Reset button.
The shuttle is controlled by a device
This icon does the same action than the button named Open advanced config from the accordion menu
. It opens the settings window of the Device Shuttle Manipulator.
Options box allows you to choose the Interaction side (left, right), to adjust the Planar speed, the Height speed and the Rotation speed that will control the shuttle.
Bindings box allows you to assign the shuttle moves to the device buttons. Please refer to the binding process describe in the Device Manipulator to setup buttons of your device.